Friday, January 4, 2008

Current Radar Imagery...

Take a look at the current radar imagery. This image is valid as of 11:45 AM Pacific Time. The central and northern coast is getting battered by heavy rain and high winds, and this is only heading south. The culprit? A 960 mb storm off the Pacific Northwest, associated with a strong jet slamming into the West Coast. This precip is working down the coast, and just beginning to reach the Los Angeles area. Expect on and off showers this afternoon with pick up in intensity tonight. All that green and yellow is heading towards Los Angeles, so start building your Arc!

1 comment:

MatthewJ said...

Hi Greg,

This is quite a thorough report! With it being so thoughough and having no background in weather myself, I feel sort of out of place. Could you explain to me, what the significance of a 960mb storm has on the weather? I assume its the energy of the system, but I am a layman and that is prolly wrong!

Furthermore, how did you read the map that allows you to know a strong jet is coming in? And what is the significance of the strong jet when combined with a 960mb storm? Again, I assume that this is an indication of the strength of the storm.

Anyway, love the blog, keep it up!