Wednesday, January 2, 2008


My blood must really be thinning out because I feel like I have icicles forming on my nose and fingers. Just checked the thermometer and found the temperature has dropped all the way to 12 degree Fahrenheit!!!! And it is only 9:55 PM ET. That means that the night is only going to get colder. Just so you know, the coldest part of the night occurs just before sunrise. The reason for this is the ground is emitting infrared radiation all night long without receiving any input from the sun. So basically, the ground is losing energy to space, which means that it continues to cool. Once the sun starts to shine above the horizon, then the cooling stops and things begin to warm up. Unfortunately, tomorrow's sun is going to be useless! The forecast is for high temperatures to hover around 15 degrees F. This is why California can be so nice in winter....we don't need to put up with this crap! I love the snow--hate the cold!

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